Hello S.W.AT. Fans and Longtime Fans of my review for S.W.A.T. Welcome Back to my Season 3 Review of this cop based drama show. This Review is to help recap what happened in Season 3 and what my hopes and dreams are for Season 4. The impressions and reactions in this season 3 review and breakdown are going be not for the first time, except for the Season 3 Season Finale of the Show, as I have not got to the episode yet. This review is going to be broken into two main parts, that is what happens in Season 3 overall and the second part of the review is the predictions and theories that I have for Season 4. P.s. I have seen the Season 4 Trailer the show when it came out. so fo the predictions may come from that as well.
Lets Dive into the Season 3 Review and Breakdown of CBS. S.W.A.T.
In Season 3, the audience is treated to more action-packed stunt work and drama, also in season 3, we get to see more relationships and character development overall across the show. which also allows for the characters to have more of personal life and relationships in the show and we can see them outside of work,
also this season on SWAT, for me was the best so far in the terms of the development of the minor characters and relationships, Like Tan’s Mother and Bonnie, and Street and the Commander. Like everything in 2020, Season 3 was shortened due to external factors, and so I am looking forward to seeing in Season 4, how they are going to tackle the current storylines and the development in characters, relationships in season 3. Season 3 also has good and solid moments, there are the emotional moments on the show as well my version of the weird and the wacky and the worst moments on the show, Some of the moments that show through my viewing of the show are the following below
The Emotional Episode of When Buck is going through a mental breakdown and we got to see how Deacon has slowly beginning to open up
The Cute Moments, throughout the Season in the relation to the relationships on the show
From the Start of Street and Molly Hicks
The Emotional Toll of the job getting to Deacon and His Wife
Bonnie and Tan’s Mother getting to know one and another
The relationship between Hondo and Nichelle and the moments throughout the show how they are capability is through the roof.
The Storyline, with Hondo & Darryl and Hondo’s Dad and they, are dealing with the changes in the relationship dynamic
.A relationship/friendship that needs to be put on the back burner or killed by the writers in Season 4 is Chris and Street, as we had a couple of moments throughout the show so far and we got to see how Chris is reacting to the relationship the Street has and you can tell that she has feelings for him, but I believe he does not back, so I need to see Chris gaining some friends outside of SWAT
The Show going to Japan and filming an episode there, I believe that is a great moment in season 3.
The emotional storyline of Jim's foster brother and how Jim was affected by the undercover work
As the above moments of Season 3 are some of the highlights of the relationship and character development that was shown on Season 3, So in my next section of the review is the following below
The Development of Characters and Relationships of S3 of SWAT
Jim street, throughout the Season 3, we get to see him beginning to grow up in as adult on the team
Chris went through major changes in her relationships with her crew and her personal relationship
Deacon is becoming more aware of the dangers of his mental health and finally reaching out for the help, as we have seen him struggle with the major changes in the team and his personal life, as he mentioned in the show, that he is the guy that everyone comes to and gets advice and needs to develop a place to open up
Hondo has gone through major changes in his personal life from taking in Darryl and dealing with his very sick father and having a great relationship in Nichelle and I hope in season 4 we get some resolution in some of the drama that is happening
Tan, this season I have loved the character and relationship development of him on this show, I hope in Season 4 we will get to see his wedding to Bonnie and get a promotion maybe
Luca, this season, his character and relationship development on the show has been lacking as the actor was not able to be on set for most of the season. I hope in Season 4, we get to see more of Luca and his character development as I love him as a character.
Finally, let's dive into the relationships within the S.W.A.T. unit
Season 3 for SWAT is an updated version of the team in the previous season, as we move forward, we get to see how the team is interacting with one and another, and how some of the things that happen in Season 2 of SWAT, in Season 4, I think that there is going to be a major shakeup in terms of the team as its current form as the writers are planning somethin9 to keep the show relevant and interesting.
Predictions and Thoughts for Season 4 of SWAT.
From The Season 4 Trailer of the Show, I believe that some of the things that I would like to happen on the show for S4.
Using the platform to talk about the current topics that are facing the police and the wider community
create some conflict between some of the team members of 20 David
Use Season 4 to develop relationships and characters that have been underused in the show
I want to see Street and Molly Hicks together
Also, I would like to see a wedding of Bonnie and Tan
Overall Season 3 of SWAT, we are presented we an action - drama-filled season, with the great and overall character and relationship development, from the trailer for Season 4, I believe we are going to see more of a drama-filled season 4, as I believe, we are going to have a lot of storylines that are going to relate to the current topics that impacting on the world and the current state of America for some Americans, I hope the SWAT writers are going to strike a balance, between the two, as it can have a major impact on the overall storyline for the show, I look forward to Season 4 brings and I will be reviewing Season 4 of SWAT when it comes out in Australia in 2021.
Let me know in the comment section below or on Social Media @tvfanaticau or the woman who writes, what are you looking forward in Season 4 or what your Best, Weird and Wacky Moments in Season 3 of SWAT.