Hello and Welcome Back NCIS LA fans of the show, so sorry I have not been updating my reviews on this show, as I have been busy with Christmas plans. and, to make sure that I update to match the release date of the 7th episode of the show, in which I am excited from the trailer and promo materials on the show, so I am going to be writing a double feature post for Ep.3,4 and Ep.5 &6 together. As the time of writing in 2020, wherever you are reading this episode review in the world, I hope you have a safe and healthy 2021. Let’s dive into the review of the third instalment of Season 12 of NCIS LA,

Episode 3, S12 of NCIS LA, is the below, the plot outline below, sourced from IMDb, 2020,
When Nell sends Sam to meet an informant who plans to blow the whistle on a military secret, Hanna’s life is in danger, when the man tries to run him down and kill him. And Kensi and Deeks debate whether or not to buy their first house.
In this episode, we get to see the standard formula for a case-based episode for the NCIS franchise, with the added storyline of some character development, so the first part of this review is to look into the development of the key characters on the show in the following manner
In this episode, we get to see some development in Sam, but it was limited in a sense when it comes to the overall for the character, I hope in the next couple of episodes we will see that new development for Sam
a)Episode 3 of Season 12 for Deeks, is the start of a storyline to help move his overall character development forward to make sure that the show lines up with the current climate in America, and you can see that he is starting to get affected by it, in a couple of episodes, we get to see how it will play out in the show, I think this storyline is going to be good for deeks because inturn we had little development on his professional status at NCIS.
a)This episode, we finally get to see Kensi in her element, after a long time working with Deeks as her partner, we get to see her working on her own on cases, as she was originally brought on for, I hope in the coming episodes, we get to see more of this when it comes to Kensi and that we get to see more in the felid on her own, creating her way
a)This episode, we get to see how Nell is settling into the job, as Acting operating manager of the branch, and we get to see the growing pains with the likes of Sam and The Team, as she beings to develop her style of managing a team, but has the moments of struggle during a time of transition
As the above section is about the key developments in the episode for the character, I normally like to dive into the relationship side of the show, the show in this particular episode has not been kind In a sense, when it comes to the relationships, the focus will be upon the ones that were on mentioned in the episode,
1.Within the Team
With the external pressures of COVID - 19, you can tell that the writers are being focused to change how the team interacts with one and another, but I believe it has not changed the dynamics on the side of the team, I want to dive into the changes of episode 3 S12 have affected for the team
i.With deeks been suspended we get to see how the team is made to adapt to the change of status, which leads for Kensi to work on her own
ii. The whole teams are going through a change of transition from Hetty to Nell
iii. The interaction within the team is played up in certain scenes but it works well with the changes
2.Outside The Team
This episode was more based on the team dynamics with the show, not the personal relationships outside of the NCIS, but we got to see some development in Kensi and Deeks as he has a change in his job, which I believe is a good thing, as it changes the dynamics and gives some dimension to their relationship
Best, Weird, Wacky and the Worst Moments of the Episode
Best Moments of The Episode
1.The Cast and Crew did a good job as always
2.Nell and Her small moments of distress when it comes to the job
3.We get to see how Roundtree is in action
Emotional Moments of The Episode
In this episode, there was a limited number of moments like this, I hope in the coming episodes, the audience will get to see something
The weird, wacky and the worst moments of the episode
1.The episode's case for the week was a weird one
Overall thoughts and opinions on the episode
Episode 3, Season 12 of NCIS LA, it was a great addition to the NCIS LA canon of the story, we get to see some development in the relationships and the character development that was needed in a sense, I hope in season 12, we get to see more of this episode development, as we have not been able to get this type of rapid development in the beginning seasons of the show, the episode gave the show new storylines and moved existing ones forward for the overall storyline, I hope in the next couple of episodes we get to see more of the development that we are seeing and great storytelling from the NCIS LA writers as they bring the actions and drama for this show.
NCIS LA Season 12 Ep.4 - Review and Breakdown of the Episode

As mentioned in the above episode review, its a double feature review on the show, so let’s dive into the next review now,
NCIS LA S12 Episode 4 is the following in the outline below
The body of a murdered Navy reservist is found by thieves amid a robbery, and NCIS must work with the burglars to find the killer; Kensi and Deeks struggle to decide if they are ready to leap buys a house.
In this review, we will look at the character and the relationship development that happens in this episode and see what moments, where the best and the emotional and the worst moments of the episode.
Key Development in the Character’s of the episode
This episode, we get to see some of the development of the character in a sense, when it comes to the relationship with Anna, I think that we are going to see more development in his character arc in the coming season
a)This episode, was limited with the development, but there was more in the relationship side of the show, I will talk about more in the next section
a)We finally get to see this character on the show and I think that with the small developments in her arc, will see her more in the season to come and might get to see some romance and I think that she is going to get a major development in her character arc soon but she needs to go to and help others at the moment who are in trouble after the Fires and COVID - 19 pandemic
4.Roundtree and Fatima
a)These two had the biggest change in the development of their characters from the small amounts of background knowledge and the relationship development when it comes to their partnership, I believe these two are going to become really good friends and partners, and I like that they are working together well.
Now let’s dive into the relationship side of the show’s episode, in this episode, we got to see some major developments in the relationship side of the show, from Callen and Anna to the friendship that is blossoming in Roundtree and Fatima, so let’s get into the relationships that were a focus on in the fourth instalment of Season 12
1.Callen and Anna
a)These two have been pretty quiet, on the show as we have not seen them together or mentioned on the show since season 11 from what is happened, that the pandemic made them, have a closer relationship and we can see that they are heading for a major milestone in sense, when it comes to these two, as they have been in a relationship on and off since S7 of the show, and I think that the writers are going to have Callen ask her to marry him, which I hope works, as these two are my favourite couple on the show at the moment
2.Kensi and Deeks
a)From the last couple of episode, we have got to see these two go through some major changes in their life from buying a house and dealing with the changes of getting fired from his job and working through the problem, I think in the next couple of episodes we are going to see this relationship tested from the promo I have seen that it's going to be a big impact on their relationship as a whole
3.Roundtree and Fatima
a)In this episode, we get to see the makings of a beautiful partnership and friendship inturns when it comes to these two, I hope that writers continue to develop these two as friends at the moment as there are enough relationships within the team that needs to have a happy ending
4.Nell and The Team
a)This episode, we get to see Nell be more settled into the role of hetty’s job as she begins to develop the confidence that she needs to have to complete and lead the team to success, I hope in the next couple of episodes we get to see her becoming more and more confident when it comes to the managing the team
Best, Emotional and Weird, Wacky and Worst Moments on the fourth instalment of S12 of NCIS LA
1.Best Moments
a)The relationship development between Callen and Anna
b)Some of the humour about the team
c)Cast and Crew did an amazing job as always
d)This episode has some major milestones for some of the relationships on the show
e)The Car Accident of Roundtree and Fatima
i.And the moments that followed in the episode
2.Emotional Moments
a)The scenes with Callen and Anna, and how they are going to be missing each other for awhile
b)Deeks and Kensi going through the emotions of buying a house in LA
3.Weird, Wacky and The Worst Moments on the episode
a)The actors who played the rotten kids on the show, where the not the best and their storyline was not the best part about the episode, as they were the worst versions of themselves, also they were trying to be woke
b)The episode's case was not the best that the writers have done in a while, I hope that we get some more drama soon when it comes to this show
Overall thoughts and opinions on the episode
S12 Ep 4 of NCIS LA, was a good addition to the canon of NCIS LA, as the episode moved some of the relationships and characters forward to the overall storylines of those characters and relationships, As I believe this episode was needed to help the audience to gain some perspective on the personal lives of this team and how they are travelling in the world of work. In the couple episodes, for some of the relationships, the audience is going to see how these relationships are going to be impacted by the new changes and milestones that are coming, which I believe is going to be interesting to see overall, in this episode, overall was a good episode for the audience to sink their teeth into and I hope that the writers will be able to come through on some of the development that they are planning for this season for some of the characters and relationships that they are developing.
Well, it is the end of the first doubleheader episode review for S12 of NCIS LA, I hope that you enjoyed the review about these episodes, let me know in the comment section below or on social media at @tvfanaticau, what you thought about these episodes and what was your favourite standout moments and the ones that made you cringe to the core, As I am writing this, its December 29, 2020, I hope you have a safe and healthy 2021, and I will see you in the next review somewhere on the web.