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Creating A Sense Of Community & Support, 911: The Original - Season 2 Review

Writer: The Woman Who Writes The Woman Who Writes

Hello and Welcome Back to my Reviews for 911:The original, I have loved the support that I got on the previous post about the show, even if it was a small number of you thankyou to you, wherever you are located in the world, In this post about the 911: Original Review about Season 2 of the show and it has improved on the relationship and character development of the show, and so without further ado, I am going to dive into my thoughts and opinions on the show’s second instalment of the show,


Throughout Season 2 of 911: The original, we dive further into the relationships within and around the Firehouse 118, from the new relationship of Athena and Captain Nash to the little romance of Buck’s Sister Maddie and Chimney, we got to see a number of developments in the relationship side of the show, more on that later in the review, I would first like to focus on the key developments in the characters on the show first,

Key Development of Major Characters in Firehouse 118

1.Captain Nash

Through the last season of the show, we got to the origin story of how Bobby came to LA, to start over from the death of his family, and with the new relationships that he has formed at the firehouse and outside the firehouse, the writers gave themselves the challenge to develop this character further, and that they did and so in season 2 of 911, we got to see more of him and his origin story in the Bobby - Focused Episode and it was a good and solid minor story arc, it rounded out the season nicely, and it gave some closure for the audience for this character


Last Season on 911, The writers, I believe that the character development for Chimney was going to be in a slow burn, as the audience only got some small moments of that development and finally got to see an episode, that was dedicated to him and we finally got to see how he became a firefighter and what drives him to do his job well. We also got to see some development on the romance side of the show for Chimney in Maddie, Buck’s Sister and I will dive into further on in the relationship side, but I believe they are going to one of it couples of the show.


Last Season on the show, we got to see what her drive and passion for her job and what she is able to achieve, we got to see some her background in the storyline of her dad passing away and her going through the belongings of her father’s which inturned gave her some peace but I believe that she forgave in her own way, I hope in Season 3 of the show we get to see how her character develops further and find her own way again, after the relationship drama that she had?


a)Season 1 Buck, was a rookie that was going through a cocky and immature phase on the show, until he meeting his girlfriend at the time, Abby Clark, he began to grow up into himself, which I believe the relationship is good for him, but I like to see that the writers gave him the option to move on into a new relationship with the new woman, that he meets on the job. I hope in season 3, we get to see some of that maturing person, but I believe that we are going to see a pissed off buck in a sense when it comes to the mental and physical health and I hope that the storyline is not dragging out in a sense

5.Eddie Diaz

a)This Season we are introduced to a new character, the character has a strong storyline for the show, we got to see a background story and how the character is and what is his situation with his wife and child and the story in the show, Now some of the fans of this show have a tendency to pair up characters that have some chemistry, that can be turned into romance, I am all for al types of relationships, but I believe that the writers are going with a friendship/bromance as they can be brothers from another mother, Also I love the chemistry that Christopher has with his dad, as its beautiful relationships and you can tell that his heart breaks when he has to tell that his mother is dead, I hope in season 3 we will dive further into the characters and the relationships that he has developed at the firehouse and in his family.


Outside The Firehouse 118

From the way that 911 - writers have written the relationships that are outside the house you can see that they are an important part of the team and the relationships within the house,


As we are getting into the Second Season of the show we are diving into the meatness of the backstory and relationships that this character has from the new relationship of Bobby and Her together, the relationships that she has with her ex and her children, I think this season is to show how Athena is coping with the changes in her life, with grace and poise, but you can see that the changes that are been made are undermined by her mother coming to town and making the criticism of her decisions, I think in Season 3 we are going to see how she is going to dealing with new stuff in her marriage we are going to see her go through a channelling time in her life

2.Maddie Buckley

Season 2, was a chance to introduce a new character in Buck’s Life and that of his sister, who has been in an emotional and abusive relationship and we can see that she wants to make changes in her life that are positive and with the help of her brother you can see that she wants to move on and create a better life for herself, Also in Season 2 we got to see her have some happiness when it comes to LA and her brother and Chimney, I hope in Season 3, We get to see more of her back story and what the challenges that she is going to face after the emotional trauma that she has been through.


Best, Emotional and Weird and the Wacky moments of Season 2

Best Moments

1.Some of the scenes in the finale episode in relation to Buck

2.The earthquake scenes at the start of the episode

3.The small moments in the show, when It comes to the emotional side of the some of the relationships

4.The fire bomber coming to the rescue

Emotional Moments

1.Chimmey and Maddie, dealing with the ups and downs of the relationship/ friendship that never got off the ground due to the abusive ex, Also this couple has so many emotional moments it is hard to list them all

2.Bobby and the death of his family and the grief that he goes through to get the point

3.The death of Eddie’s wife, and the fallout from that

4.Buck going through the trauma with the truck on his leg

5.The moment of when Hen turns off the machine for her dad

Weird and the wack moments on Season 2 of the show

1.Some of the missions or cases were a bit far fetched in a sense when it comes to reality

2.Developments in the relationships with friendships then death

  1. a)Eddie and his wife

  2. b)The developments between Abby and Buck, and that relationship panned out

3.I wanted more Buck and Ally’s relationship

4.Some of the emotional moments in the show was a bit much for me

Big missions of season 2

1.Fire Truck on Buck

2.The heatwave at the start of the episode of the season

3.The Earthquake at the start of the Season

4.The graves in the ground


Overall thoughts and opinions on Season 2 of 911:The Original

Season 2 of 911, has grown in a season of which we get to see new and existing characters are being developed to move the story forward in a sense when it comes to the arcs, this season’s theme was on the sense of community and the ability to have a great support network around you to help you in a time of need, as always the production team did a great job of creating great visual and physical effects on the show, But I have seen this show one too many times so far this year due to the reviewing it the first time and reacting to it, but I want to hit on some positive moments and also some negative moments on the show, so the positive moments.

This season was creating a sense of community around you and which is a good message to promote, the overall development in relationships and characters arcs, was tremendous and solid for the show. In season 3 we get to see more development in the characters that are underused and the relationships that are non - existing to be developed, as with some of the storylines that happened in Season 2, we are going to see some struggles in the firehouse and outside the firehouse. Overall Season 2 was an emotional rollercoaster for fans of the show, I hope in season 3 of the show, we will get the same emotions but elevated to the extremes that the show is known for.


Overall rating of S2 of 911: 7/10


As I know that Season 3 is out and Season 4 is not too far away from been dropped in the USA, In the comment section down below, what were your favourite, emotional and weird and wacky moments for you in Season 2 and as I am writing this on December 29, 2020, I hope you have a happy and safe new years eve and healthy 2021 wherever you are located in the world.


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