Hello and Welcome Back To My reviews for this is us season 5, I hope everyone who reads this review is safe and healthy wherever located in this world. Season 5 Episode 6 was a pivotal episode for the identity of Randall.
He finally gets to see why his mother does not find him at the time of her life. This critique of the episode breaks down what happens in S5 Ep.6 of this is us. My final thoughts on the broadcast. My reaction to the cliffhanger at the end of the episode & predictions for S5 Ep.7. Also, let me know in the comment section below or social media of what happens next for Randall or any other characters + storylines. that you would like to see on the show in Season 5. So let’s get into the review in the next section beneath.
Randall uncovers new truths about his past.

This episode was a beautifully crafted and acted story about the identity of a mother that Randall never knew and with the chance of forgiveness of oneself about the situation at hand. We see play out on the show’s sixth instalment of the season 5 of a popular show. And with that, I am going to dive into the importance of the character development of the episode below.

The episode developed in a way, give light to a side that has never heard before.
During the broadcast, The audience is shown and told. What led to the choices Laural made in her time on earth. As those decisions that she made affected her overall as a person.
Laural carries the guilt and shame that she felt for the situation that she in.
There a fear of emotion that her child will feel about being left alone. Which can be lead to believed that made the guilt and shame worse her in a sense.
Also, we got to see the story of her childhood sweetheart falling in love again after many years. I think this story has finally told the answers to the questions. Light at the end of the tunnel in this chapter of the story is fast approaching.

This episode was a moment of Randall’s life. It gives the meaning of the knowledge that he knows that of his mother.
We see how the emotional release of pain and grief from all of the mental toll of finding out his parents story. How they came to be in a time of which we at the time did not know. With this episode, Randall wanting to use that tool for the forgiveness and reconnect with his brother again.
Also, Seeing Randall decide to bury the hatchet between them. Then see on that promise to see that through in the next couple of episodes. Moving onward I feel like the writers are gearing up Randall for the change that happens to Kevin. I think that by the time that he gets to see his brother in person. I believe it will be too late.
The relationship development and Best Moments of the episode
This episode was full of moments of relationship development in terms of the life of Laural from her first love Hai. Love that she had for her brother and aunty and the disconnection from her parents. But we finally got to see how these relationships developed and changed over the episode. I think that the writers did a beautiful job of creating those dynamics within the relationships. I want to get to into the moments that shock me or made me reach for the tissues. What the scenes that I think not that great but needed for the show. and also we get to see the supportive nature of Beth and Randall going to find out the truth about his mother.
Best Moments of the Episode
1. The love story between Hai and Laural
2. The cliffhanger moment of Kevin driving to see his children being born.
3. Episode overall was a beautifully acted and written and directed instalment of the show.
4. The Moment of Laural realising that her brother is not coming home from the war.
The Emotional Moments of The Episode that made me reach for the tissues
1. The emotional and spiritual release of Randall in the final montage of the episode.
2.The moments of levity that were provided by Beth. When they are talking about the story of Laural.
3. wanting to come to terms with his brother about their relationship. Randall has decided to forgive him.
4. The shock of owning a house in the south
5. The cliffhanger of the episode
The worst moments of the episode
Overall there were not many moments of which stood out to me. As I have talked about on Social Media, To me it overall it was an important episode for the fifth season. I look forward to seeing where the show writers will take the season ahead.
Overall thoughts and opinions of the episode
Season 5 Episode 6 was a fantastic addition to the This Is Us canon of the show. From the use of flashbacks, we can see the story of the woman that was Laurel. The decisions that lead to the moments of now in the future. The Writers for this episode created a beautifully written episode with the drama & the emotion is needed. It was to show the audience the answers of Randall has been chasing for several years. Episode 6 of the show, brings peace and closure to the identity storyline for Randall and we finally get to see more of Randall being present in the moment of his life. I hope that writers of the show will dive into that the emotions later on in the seasons to come. I am sitting here writing this review. I know that some persons have opinions about some parts of the episode due to not being explained enough or in context of canon. My take is that the writers set out to create a story of the woman was and how that will affect Randall in the present moment and into the future. Overall fantastic episode. It is in the running for one of the best in the Season 5 so far.
My Episode Rating of The 6th instalment is: 9/10
A little side note for the next episode
As I think that episode 7 of This Is Us Season 5 is going to be one that will break me. I have become emotionally invested in this character group since the beginning of the show. I will put money on the next episode, that the writers are gearing up for something that is changing the Pearson family dynamic forever and with the promo that released after. I am not ready for what is to come on the show that is next.
Let me know in the comment section below or on Social Media @tvfanaticau everywhere (#ad). What you believe stood out has the best moments of the episode. You did not like in the 6th instalment of the show.
Until next time for The Next Review, See you Later.