Hello FBI fans,
My name is The Woman Who Writes, and I have been meaning to review this show for a while.
Because I watch this universe as a bit of a guilty pleasure, as I find some plot lines or character/relationship growth is a bit far fetch in real life. Some episodes have very slow pacing issues.
Nevertheless, here we are writing a review for S5 of FBI: Original. Because those damm writers for S5 added a pregnancy storyline for Scola and Nina. For some reason, pregnancy is one of my favourite tropes when watching TV shows.
So I had to schedule a binge rewatch of the series up to S4 to recap my thoughts. As I wanted to be ready for one of my favourite storylines in S5.
But enough of that, I thought it's time to dust off the review hat and talk about one of my favourite seasons of the series.
So I hope wherever you are located in the world, and you are happy and safe from harm. When you are reading this review in the world.
Side Note for the curious
As FBI is a part of a massive universe & there are two other shows in the universe. As this show came first. I will refer to FBI: Original from now on.
In this review, we will be exploring all the character & relationship growth that happened in S5, for those fans in the back wanting to know if S5 is the best season of the series.
In my opinion, yes, I believe this one of the best seasons that the writers at FBI writers room have put out. Or it could be down to the fact, that I'm a sucker for family & pregnancy story lines in my favourite shows. I just don't know.
But I do know that I’m going to have at all the good & bad moments that the writers gave us in the fifth instalment of the series. & then what, I think, could happen to all of my favourite characters & relationships in S6 of the series.
First, a quick summary of what happened in S5 of FBI
S5 was, again, another action — packed season with murders, bomb threats and kidnapping cases. However, in the character department, we explore Maggie coming back to the team. OA becoming more erratic in his behaviour, Tiff is dealing with family issues that are related to mental health. Scola getting the news that he is going to become a dad. Also we see Jubal not coping with his work/ life balance, which leads to him breaking his sobriety to his addiction. And finally, we get to see Isboel, where she is making questionable decisions in her position of power.
Now the quick summary is out of the way, let's get into the Nitty gritty stuff of the character growth that happened in S5 of FBI
This season was a well-balanced for the growth of the characters, as the writers had a chance to explore further with other members of the FBI team. As Missy (Maggie Bell) was on leave at the time. Which I believe that it was a blessing in disguise.
But the most explored character arc, I believe, for S5 is Scola (Stuart) just because he had a lot happening in his personal life, with the introduction of Nina and his baby boy Dougie. I had felt that he has not gotten much major character time, since he was introduced in S2.

So S6 for Scola, I hope that we get to see more of his personal life, with his baby boy & Nina, and he navigates first time — parent and changing his priorities at work.
Even though Scola had the most character time for the season, we still need to move through the team and their character growth for the season.
I think the writers took some interesting twists and turns for these characters. In season 5. and with these fascinating twists and turns that happened, I like to predict what the writers could do in S6.

So first let’s start with Maggie, we only got a small look at how she is travelling after her major accident at the end of S4. & her character is back to her usual self with her rouge nature. For me, I believe that the writers are this into her character, and it's an annoying trait that has rubbed off onto OA. I like how the writers are finally tackling how Maggie and her sister's relationship. As the bridge has been burned down so many times.
S6, for Maggie, would be to rebuild her relationship with her sister & OA. maybe have a big character event that will impact her for the rest of her life and career.

S5 for OA has been a weird one for me, I might be in the minority. I don’t know what the writers were thinking about his character growth. Even though his main growth was a solid one. I just think that OA’s character arc for S5 had plenty of things that were happening, which is a good thing. But I think eventually, the writers will put his character development into a corner. Which, it's not the best move on the writers' part. For S6 OA, can be taken in multiple ways & I would like to see what the writers and Zeeko are going to take him next.
Jubal has been in many tough situations in S5 from all the negotiations in the kidnapping and hostage situations. But also what happened in Italy and how that was handled. I like how Jeremy plays Jubal, as he can act professionally and be respectful to his co-workers and can lead them in a good or bad situation that is happening in each episode of the season. But you can tell he is a massive softie underneath all of that toughness.

Even though he is a softie underneath, that you can see that he is so overwhelmed with his emotions. Especially when it comes to his family, and you can see how he handles it. Because he breaks his sobriety, but he knows that he needs to start the process of getting the help that he needs. But there is a lot of work for him to do to get to a stable level.
S6, for Jubal, I think will be a good time to explore new areas and also to redevelop some of his relationships that are in his personal and professional life.
S5 for Tiff, she was a stable force for the team and all the changes that happened over the course of the season. Even though again we saw only a bit of her personal life, when she had a temporary partner in an undercover mission. as her friend & only to get killed.

Which impacted badly on her wellbeing.
Tiff was the perfect partner for Scola this season. Well, with all the things that are happening in his life. She was able to be a friend in his time of need. I just want to see more of her personal life. As I feel that she is very underwritten and not appreciated in the show. So I hope S6 is the start of the change that she needs to be a character on the show.
And finally, let’s talk about Isboel,
S5 for Isboel has been a very slow growth character because even though she has tiny moments in S5. I believe the appearance of a person from her past and how she was affected after the appearance. And, to the writers' credit, has been well written.

S5, finally dived into, we got to see of how she leads her team.
& is responsible for the situation that happened in Rome with Nina and Scola being undercover, and she did the right thing in the moment of not telling Scola.
Even though there has been little to no character growth for several seasons now. Like Jubal, Isboel is due to have a personal life outside her position. And give her backstory and origins that have more than some things that have been mentioned in passing on the show.

I know there are multiple minor and background characters that deserve the credit this season. With all of their support and help with moving the overall story canon for the overall series.
Think there is one character believe the writers can write into the show.
It’s Nina Chase, as I have been loosely talked about her at the beginning of this section. For what she has -had to endure over the last few episodes of S5. From her being shot in another country and then having to deal with the complications from the shooting and now the very traumatic birth of her baby boy, Doug. Because even though the beginning of the relationship between her and Scola, you could say things got tense.

I believe in the first half of Season 6, I hope the writers tackle the elephant in the room, as Nina has gone through something traumatic with her baby boy. I think it would be worthwhile for the writers to see how Nina copes with the transition as mum and partner to Scola, even after what happened when she brought her little boy into the world. Not only that, but I hope to god the writers give this storyline the chance to grow and explore it.
Our Favourite characters are only a small part of the show. So I thought it might be time to look at our favourite relationships that bring this show to life. Next stop: My favourite relationship moments from S5.
S5 of FBI has a lot of significant and well-needed relationship growth that I believe that it was very vital to the overall story canon.
As you know, I have been talking about one of the relationships that well the most growth through the character section of this review. My one and only favourite couple from the FBI universe is Nina and Scola
My Favourite relationship from S5 and might be my favourite going forward, is Nina and Scola. As I have become very invested in this relationship. I hope we get to see more of the couple in S6. just because I love the two together.

The chemistry between John and Shantel is great. and how they portrayed the storyline for their early stages of their relationship.
The final moments in the S5 finale, when they are in Nina’s Hospital room in the bed together. And with the no conversation between them. for me, it helps give stock to this massive traumatic event that they went through to bring their baby boy into the world. Furthermore, this moment can also been seen, as a show of love & respect for one another.

We also got to see other relationship growth was a significant to the story in S5. In the headquarters, we got to see how the unit dynamics change without Maggie on the team for the first time in a while, which allowed OA and Nina to team up & become a partnership. As much I like Maggie being OA’s partner. I think Nina is more than suitable to become his partner. As she was able to pull him up on his crap when it was needed.

Because of the first half of S5, I believe OA was the rouge one. When Maggie came back, you could sit, there was doubt and tension between the two. As Maggie was the one to say, give me the space to grow back into the role of her job again. Which I hope the writers could explore more of this side of the partnership between Maggie and OA in S6.

For the other partnership in the unit. Tiff and Scola, I do believe this relationship is stronger than ever, since the news of the changes in Scola’s personal life. So Tiff became the rock of the partnership, which Scola required so much. So I need to see more of Tiff’s side in this partnership in S6. As I think there is a bit of a one-way street currently.

With the glimpses of the other relationships within HQ, for instance Jubal & Isboel’s friendship and the friendship between Remy and Isboel as well.
Plus, how Jubal is currently running the ship at HQ, and we are finally getting some information about the minor characters in HQ as well.
And of course, all the mentions and new connections with the team members across the crossover.

S5 gave the writers the ability to explore new partnerships or friends through the show and the crossover that happened later in the universe. Which I think it gave the series the jump start and overhaul the relationship side of the show. Because It did feel it was stagnating. So I am so excited to see it what the writers are going to explore in S6. As there are many avenues to explore.
But I will leave here at this point for the relationships here. as I will go into more detail than what is needed.
As we have moseyed on through characters/ relationships growth that I like & disliked in S5. It's time for me to have a look at my favourite moments of S5 and I got to say the worst moments of the season.
So in no particular order what moments that gave me, good or bad vibes or just the damn worst vibes
All the domestic moments between Nina & Scola
The Situation that happened in Italy (Rome.)
The FBI universe has a massive crossover between all the shows.
The ending scene with the team for Nina and Scola.
The traumatic storyline of Nina & Scola with their arrival of Baby Dougie. in the season finale.
Maggie’s Return to the team.
The School Shooting Episode and The writers tackled the issue. I believe with good intentions.
As I have stated throughout the review, I believe S5 of FBI : Original is the best season of the series. The writers have decided, to give a lot more of the character & relationship development in this season. As you know, Dick Wolf’s shows are noticeably and tortuous, I have found to be a slow burn in the character and relationship department. Even in like One Chicago universe as well.
But I am getting off-topic here, even though S6 is a very short season, I hope we get to see Maggie start to mend bridges with her sister & coming to terms with her emotions after her accident. OA and his personal struggles. Jubel, Tiff, and Isboel gaining more of personal life outside the job. Scola & Nina transitions into parents and how some minor characters in the JOC.
And just how S6 is going to fit into the universe of FBI : Original & I am just so excited to see what the writers and the actors are going to the 6th series of the show.
Until I write the next review for FBI :Original S6.
I will see you then.
The Woman Who Writes
Photos Sourced from
The people at Seat42F's website
all rights reserved to original owners & actors on FBI Universe