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Let's Be Honest: The Resident S4 is the most Emotional & Crazy Season So Far. - Season Review.

Writer's picture: The Woman Who Writes The Woman Who Writes


Hello and Welcome Back The Resident Fans & Long-time fans of my content. During the start of this year, I could do episodic reviews of The Resident for S4. Unfortunately, due to time and health reasons, I was under able to work to finish the task. As I have being slowly getting back into the swing of things. I have finally gotten to work on the season review for The Resident. For those people who want to hear about why there was a hiatus for the website in the attached reasons in a blog post.

For this review of the resident S4, we are going to be looking at the character and relationship development that we got to see. As well the moments that me, ever cringe or were emotional. Or annoyed at a character. So If I miss anything in this review, let me know in the comment section below and we can have a discussion there about the missed topic.


The Character Development for Season 4 of The Resident

Season 4 of The Resident for the character development is a turning point for all the characters. In this section of review, I am going to be looking at the major developments in character for the show and what I would like to see in Season 5 of The Resident.

The Character Development For The Resident Season 4

  • Mina

Mina has come a long way, since her first days on the show & I am conflicted about her leaving the show. But also from a character development arc. I believe that there was not much that the writers could have done. During Season 4, Episode 10. As audience plus the writers, actors and crew on the set got given the chance to say goodbye to her character as they wrote her out that she can come back. But I believe that the character gone for good.

  • Dr Conard Hawkins

Season 4 for Conard Hawkins, we have gotten to see a softer and mature side of Conard that we have not seen before in this way. Which I believe that the writers and Matt Cruzchy were gearing Conard up for playing and work with. Season 4 gave Conard the ability to close and healed old wounds of his past. I hope in Season 5 we get to see more of this going forward for the character. I feel like we are going to be having something serious happen to Conard. and the soft side and balance it that gone forever to transform and change his character going forward.

  • Nic Hawkins (Nee Nevin)

S4 Nic had a beautiful and hard time throughout Season 4 of the Resident. As I believe, Nic had the most plot filled arc. From her becoming a wife and mum to her baby girl. To being attacked by patient and dealing with all the grief and trauma from the situation. Also, I believe we got to see more of the Mum side of Nic that we have seen in the past seasons of the show. Which I have enjoyed very much. As I believe, it has another aspect of her character and personality. Even though that we are going to see her on leave in Season 5 of The Resident. I think the writers can explore some issues that have happened to her in Season 4 and also in the past seasons of the show. (I wrote this before Emily VanCamp’s Departure on the show they released it to the public.)

  • AJ

Season 4 for AJ was an important one for his character arc. We get to see more of the personal life of this character that we have seen little of in previous seasons in the show. Throughout we got to see a brief romance between him and Mina, his mum is going thorough the most health moment of her life. Season 4 for AJ was also a heartbreaking season arc. Because we see him dealing with a lot of emotions with his relationships at work and his personal life. I don’t know what the writers are doing for this character, but I think we are going to seeing more of AJ having more terrible moments in his life.

  • `Cain,

I don’t like Cain at all as a character in the previous seasons of the show. But Season 4 episode 3 gave me the satisfactions to make sure Cain can wake up and deal with his life choices. Season 4 had the redeeming arc for him. But we don’t get to the end of the season for me. I believe it was shoe horned in to the end of the season because of the actor is leaving the show. I believe there was more to be explored for this character, but I think there is a bittersweet ending for overall character arc for me.

  • Dr. Bell

Season 4 of The Resident gave an insight into how Bell is doing after and during the pandemic with the changing and the evolution of the character of the season. I feel like this character is gearing up for a major character story that is going to affect all the relationships that he has builded up since season 2 of the show. I think Season 5 of The Resident for Dr. Bell is a reckoning that is going to happen.

  • Devon

Devon has been through hell and back, as he has to deal with the changes in his life from the death of his dad and moving forward from it. Which gave the audience a chance to see that doctors are human to and they are experiencing grief and trauma regularly, which can lead to mental health breakdowns and suicide. As it stands at the moment that it is a non - talked about issue in the profession. I hope we get to explore it more in season 5 of the resident. And in Season4 we get to see him come out of the shadow of Conard and become his own self as a doctor and a human. I think that Season 5 is going to be a journey of sex and relations and coming into his identity. As we see him hook up with the new intern in the final mins of the show.

and for the most important character Development for is Kit Voss

  • Kit Voss

S4 of The Resident gave Kit to explore her business side of her job, with becoming the CEO of a hospital. It was an very plot filled for her character arc in this Season. which i enjoyed so much. throughout the previous seasons of the show, i always believe that Kit had something to explore in her job. because we have seen her as more as a mother figure on the show. But this Season was a turning point, as we got see more of her diplomatic and business side of her character. Also the side of humanity and empathy that she has for all of her patients that come into her hospital. including the ones that screw up. Season 5 is going to be a chance for her to explore her career and what she can do to save the hospital and her patients that are under her care.

The New Characters for Season 4 of The Resident

This season, we go to see new characters coming into the show to shakeup the core cast and breathe some new air into a dry series and with these characters it gave the writers a chance to make new character arcs and stories that are going to affect the core characters on the show.


The Relationship Development of Season 4, The Resident,

Season 4 of The Resident gave the writers to explore more of the established and new relationships in the core cast of characters, and a clean slate as well. In this section of this review, I am going to be talking about those moments in the season that gave the relationship that kick that it needed for development and success. So my first one that I am going to be looking at is the main stay relationship for several seasons, is the CoNIc relationship.

Dr Conard and Nic Hawkins

Season 4 has been a whirlwind journey from start to finish for this couple and I love the development that they had through this season. Even when they had the difficulties during her pregnancy with baby Grace. You can see that they have a connection to stay together forever. But we got a bit of tease of how Conard would react to if Nic dies or becomes unwell. As I believe that the best performances that Matt has given on the show. Even though the show’s writers have been consistent with this relationship story, I think that there needs to be something else too attached to the story. S5 is going to be that catalyst for the entire relationship.

Kit and Dr. Bell

These two were an on and off again friendship that I believe can go romantic. From re - watching the season and seeing their interactions. I think they are friends through and through. But I honestly don’t know what the writers could do with this couple in Season 5 of the show. Because I feel like that Dr. Bell is going to revert to his old ways again. Or vice versa.

Devon and New Intern

I for one I am not a fan of this relationship going romantic because there was not enough time for this relationship to be explored. But with the mainstay relationship of Conic. Is going to be going through some rough patches. But if you look throughout the season of the show, you can see that the relationship dynamics are there and how they are talking about arranged marriage and other customs that we have seen in Indian culture. But I hope we get to see some more in Season 5.

AJ and Mina

This relationship this season to me felt very rushed and undeveloped because of the actor leaving, But I have not been a fan of this relationship for a long time. As I have mentioned in several of my reviews on my website. But I believe that writers could have explored the relationships around them and brought in other characters to help to grow them as friends, not a romantic couple. One character has left the season. I believe we will not get any more of this development. So Season 4 is the closure for these two.

Even though I think there are more relationships, I could cover in the review. I believe we could be here a lot longer. So If you want to talk about the other relationships that happening in Season 4, let me know in the comments section below. Now onto my final thoughts and moments that I Liked in Season 4 and what I think could happen in Season 5.


Final Thoughts and Opinions of Season 4 of The Resident

Season 4 of The Resident is a season that is jammed packed with memories and beautiful character and relationship developments that we have been waiting for a while. Also, in S4 of The Resident we got introduced to new characters and stories that I believe are going to be great for the next season of the show. Because during my re-watch of the show, we got to see how things can be different and how they would have dealt with. Like the nurse abuse storyline for Nic and Conard.

But I feel like we are going to see a major shake - up in the core cast that will be very traumatic for some. As I believe that Season 4 will be the last season that we are going to see more the happy moments of relationships that we have seen. But As I have mentioned just before, we are going to make fresh stories and expand on new characters. Season 4 is one of those seasons that had a lot of great and emotional moments of character and relationship development, but also there were moments of cringe that made it. As well. I am going to talk about my top 5 moments of Season 4 and those cringe moments.

Number 5. - Storyline of AJ and His Mum

This storyline was a beautiful one to be added to the mix of the story cannon, because it could explore the relationship that AJ has with his mum. I want to see more of this relationship going into season 5 of the show.

Number 4. - Storyline of Adoption of the beautiful little girl

Season 4 had several good storylines for the show. They had this one a full circle moment, as we have the AJ and His adopted family. Which gave more of a sentimental feeling to this little girl. And I hope in Season 5 of the show that we get to see more of this little girl and her adopted family. Because I believe it may go to be a struggle.

Number 3 - Devon and His Struggles with Grief and Trauma surrounding his Dad’s death and others.

Over the Years Devon has his fair struggles with his work and his personal life. But Season 4 ramped it up to an eleven. During the COVID-19 pandemic storyline of the show. His dad passed away from the virus. Which gave him the knock effect of him dealing with his grief and trauma on his own. And I loved how you can see that with the recent changes of the hospital he is going to be more and more motivated to make sure that everybody to be saved no matter the cost.

Number 2 - The Episode for Mina’s Departure

All the moments and the storylines for this episode line up perfectly to the actress’s departure for the show. Which It gave the writers options for the actress to come back. I am on the fence about her coming back. But it was a beautiful send off her character.

And honourable mentions,

This honourable mention goes to the Billie’s storyline with her sexual assault and her child that was seeking for information. Even though we only had a small plot of the story in this Season. For example, from the interviews that writers and the showrunners are going to be exploring it more in the Season5. As I mentioned in the character development section. I like that there is a new influx of story. I just hope that the writers don’t screw up the storyline.

The Second honourable mention is the following below,

The handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in The Resident universe. I think I mentioned in my first review for Season 4 Episode 1; I liked how the writers took this approach, of creating a flashback episode and giving some of the core characters in the cast to have storylines that are going to affect them in the long run. Because there are several medical shows on network television that can tackle this topic in more depth and detail, likes Greys Anatomy.

Number 1 - The Conic Baby Storyline

I believe that Conic Baby plot was an over arcing season 4 storyline. This storyline gave the season a chance to explore topics and things that could happen in the relationship world of Conic. Episode 5 was the most heartbreaking episode for Conard. Even though we had a beautiful ending for these two. I believe there are going to be more heartbreaking moments in Season 5. which I think it is going to be a good thing.

But even though there are significant moments of the Season 4, there some inopportune moments or missed opportunities. For instance, the redeeming arc for Cain and his stuff, some interactions that Devon has with the new intern. And the relationship between the ER Doctor and scrub Nurse. And the feeling that something bad is coming on the show’s next season. From the current press and promotional material that has been floating around is that Season 5 is going to be one hell of a season. Normally I don’t like to speculate much in the review. Because it becomes to clunky and long. But I am going to make a special case for you.

Season 5 Theory

The Resident Season 5 is going to be an emotional and heartbreaking season, I believe we are going to be seeing a death that is going to be affecting the core members of the hospital, which is going to lead some characters down paths that they have not been down before. In particular, from the promo material and press coverage about the leaving of Nic Nevin on the show. I believe Conard is going to become a single parent overnight, either from Nic leaving him or, unfortunately, her demise. And I am one of those fans of the show that I believe she is going to die, because it gives more material to the writers and Matt to showcase his performance and the writers to talk about new topics like trauma and grief. Also, we got to see more of what Conard would be like without Nic by his side. Which is why I believe we are going to see more of that in Season 5. I just hope that we get to see a different version of this as I have seen in other tv shows like CBS’s Seal Team and New Amsterdam.

Even S5 of The Resident is about two weeks away from premiering. We will get to see more of how the storyline for Season 5 going forward. Season 4 of The Resident gave the audience the fix for the emotions and action that we know the writers and the showrunners at the Resident for. From the emotional moments with Nic and Conard throughout the Season and the action moments like the Cain’s car accident. Season 4 has a lot of established storylines from S3 of the show. But it nicely integrated them to the overall season arc for a 4th instalment of The Resident. Season 4 also gave the writers a chance to establish fresh stories and without focusing on the pandemic as much as many other medical dramas on network television. It could give a sense of relief to everyone, including the production crew and cast. And by not focusing on it and having it in the background, it gave the writers and the audience a break from grief and trauma of the outside world. And also to help explore and develop other more important topics. I look forward to Season 5 and beyond of what this show is going to bring to the table.

Let Me know if i have missed anything significant moments or theories in my review of The Resident Season 4 in the comments section below or on social media @tvfanaticau (#ad).


Until Next Time, I will see you Later The Woman Who Writes



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