Hello Bridgerton Fans, I know that you have seen me talking about S1 with Simon and Daphne. Before I jump head first in S3 with Colin and Penelope. I need to start with the Eldest’s Bridgerton journey for seeking love and coming to terms with his emotions surrounding the trauma that he faced when he was younger.
We begin with the viscount declaring to find a wife in this season debut. As the viscount worked through his list of requirements for a wife. With this season’s debutantes. As he stumbles onto his perfect match, Edwina Sharma. But through his conversations with accusations.
Someone overheard his list of requirements and took offence to these notions. Not having a clue who this person was. The viscount defended his conversation. But we come to find out it’s the diamond of the season’s older sister, Karathii. And throughout the season. The viscount and the future viscountess duke it out over big to little things.
As we move through the season, Edwina is none the wiser, as her future husband is falling for her older sister. And not only that, we get to her wedding day & she could finally see that her sister has been hiding her feelings for her future husband. Edwina worked up the courage and said that she wants to live her life and not be in someone else’ shadow.
During the last couple of weeks of the season, as the viscount and future viscountess started to work through their journey of self-love and acceptance around their childhood trauma, they discover that their passion of feelings for one another are the true reason that they ultimately become the viscount and viscountess of the Bridgerton Family.
Unlike the viscount’s younger brother, who is going to have some trouble with the actual Lady Whistledown.
Character Development for Season 2 of Bridgerton
As S2 covered, all the Bridgerton Characters and how they have evolved from S1. I will keep it short and sweet. So I can cover all the juicy character and relationship moments that happened in S2.
I will be focusing on Kate, Anthony, Violet, and Eloise, and of course, Penelope. these are they are main characters for S2.
So with that, let's dive into one of my favourite Bridgerton characters, Anthony.
S2 for Anthony, it has he been a rollercoaster of emotions & actions.
Anthony was put through the ringer. As we got a background on his personality and his past actions in S1. from his traumatic start to young adulthood. He had to become of the head of the household and take on the family after the death of his dad. Which it can affect anyone. As he became closed off & stubborn to help to suppress his emotions around the death of his dad.

I loved throughout the season that we got to see glimpses of a newer & happier Anthony through becoming closer to Kate. But it did some time & intervention from family members like Daphne, Violet and Edwina.
To help Anthony to see what is standing in front of him. and to let go of the past and to give himself a future that he deserves. After the trauma that he has faced in the past.
My favourite moment for Anthony from S2: is the conversation with his talking about his dad’s death & how it affected him & it's going to rob him of a future that he can almost taste.
S3 for Anthony will be interesting. As we get to see him in more of a happier state of mind, as he will be become a loving husband, brother, son & father.
So we have covered the viscount who is seeking love. Now we are going to have a look at his partner in crime and his future viscountess. Karathii Sharma.
Kate for S2. as a new character for the universe, so her character’s background & origin was written beautifully. I find that Kate is a very fascinating character. & not to state the obvious. Her actions and personality are very similar to her future husband. For her, she lost her mother & father. ever since then, she has been sacrificing her happiness for others.

Kate has become the head of the household. She just could not communicate her feelings or opinions. & especially during the debutante season for her sister.
She becomes a hypocrite of her words. As she starts to fall in love with the man that her sister has been put with for the season.
Like her husband, she needed some help pointing out that it’s okay to have some happiness. so by the end, we get to see a happier version of Kate with her husband. and the start of her little new family that she will be creating for herself.
As, Kate had so many moments that were my favourite. But the one that stood out the most is the scenes with her sister on her wedding day. & how Edwina basically told her of being a hypocritical. and how Kate finally confessed about what had been happening in her life already during the season.
S3 for Kate will be fascinating to see, as we will get to see her in a new role within the family. As the Viscountess. But I'm excited to see her becoming a mum. or even just being content in herself in her mindset. Like her husband.
Now let's have a look at the former viscountess Violet. Because S2 is a massive part of her character arc. As we got to see her during the time of when her husband and her children's father passed away. & how she handled the grief and the loss.
As she was pregnant with baby Hyacinth during the death of her husband. so that could have brought on an early birth from the stress from the death of her husband.

She lost the love of her life & then had to give birth to their baby girl. After those events, we get to see the mental toll that it took on Violet.
In those flashbacks, even though Anthony is trying very hard to help his mum. In his own way.
But you see, she just could not cope with the new reality that she had been dealt with. The moment when she begins to open up about that time.
when she was talks about the time with Anthony after his Kate had that major accident.
I believe the weight of that time. the guilt she had been carrying on her shoulders about that time was released. & you could see after those scenes, when she sees her sons talking about their dad. Or when she saw Anthony with Kate. in her mind, it's going to be okay now, Edmund. I have got an eye on our children now.
As Violet has dealt with her eldest son being stubborn about love. Now she needs to focus on helping her daughter to start her coming of age journey.
S2 for Eloise, I found it was intriguing to say the least. We got to see her navigate the first season. Because within her first season, Eloise coming into herself, as you could say that it's her coming of age part of life. Eloise begins to figure out where her place is in this society that she is has grown up in. but of course, this society does not really accept her opinions & emotions. As she continues her search for the real Lady Whistledown.

Along the way, she finds a liked a minded person by the name of Theo, and she starts to open up to him & talk about those opinions. She has found an outlet for those conversations outside her place in society. She tells Penelope about it, without realizing that her oldest friend is Lady Whistledown. Of course, she had to ruin this new relationship to protect Theo, but not knowing that she was going to have it thrown in her face.
Because Penelope is a jealous and manipulative b*****. she wants to protect her identity. And when she finds out about her oldest friend is Lady Whistledown. She feels betrayed and heartbroken.
Eloise thought that she could confide in her friend & not break her trust. So, Eloise is on a new path to find new & like-minded friends that don’t betray the trust of a friendship.
My favourite moment for Eloise in S2: When she finds out about her oldest friend being Lady Whistledown.
S3 for Eloise, I just want to know how she is going to deal with the fallout and how she continues her journey of self discovery.
Eloise does not want to deal with her former friend. Neither do I, but we have to look at Penelope, she is a key part of the story & structure of this series.
S2, even though Penelope changed up her writing style. for lady whistledown, she was getting more invested in her writings. And after the conversation with Eloise in the field. It reaffirmed her need to change up the style of Lady Whistledown. her motives & behavior surrounding Lady Whistledown. this can be put down to manipulative and controlling the world around her.

I have to believe that she learned some of this behavior from her mother, as I make mention of this, influence from others can shape and grow into your beliefs, morals & behavior in the world.
After watching S1 & S2 back to back, I found that Penelope's character arc is based around that she is young & naive. But you can sense that she does have an idea of what she is doing, or she would not be doing it. She is immature, she does not realize how much power she has at a stroke of a pen. and has not recognized how much damage that she can cause.
She found it out the hard way. As she chooses to keep her identity a secret over her relationship with her oldest friend. When her oldest & only friend calls her out. she is very defensive about what she has done. in her mind, it was a correct thing to do.
And In those final moments in the S2 finale, where she is like I am going to get revenge. I just shake my head, as she has created the mess that she is in & because she does not know anything different. She is just going to lash out on others.
But I know I’m painting Penelope as a villain of her volition, but my reason for this argument that she is a teenager with too much power and acts out when she gets called out of her behavior, she just lashes out on others around her.
I know that S3 will be about Penelope and Colin, the writers are going to have to do a lot of re character building for her. For me to like her. But honestly, I just see her as a villain of her making.
Character Growth for S2, to be well written for most of the characters, even though it’s an ensemble cast. I did find some spots in the season where the writers could have written different.
Enough of all the characters' growth for S2. I need to get to the juicy section, or the relationship section of the review. Because I think most of my favourite moments from the season are in the relationship growth of the characters.
Relationship Development for S2 of Bridgerton
S2 relationship growth was more crazy than S1, as we have Anthony and Kate duking it out over the littlest things, the dynamics between the Sharma sisters, the slow reconciliation of Anthony and his mum, Anthony and Daphne, a look into the final moments of Edmund and Violet’s love story and Penelope with her new business associate Madame Delacroix and the downfall of the relationship between Penelope and Eloise.
As there are numerous relationships that had great and exciting growth over the course of S2. and I wish I could cover all of those itty bitty moments of growth. Or I will be here all day.
I have picked 7 relationships that, I believe, were the main focus of the season. And I would like to give a quick take on each one, but there are so many juicy moments in the growth of these relationships, so we might be here for a while.
But first let’s mention the main love story for S2, the enemies to lovers story that we knew it was coming. Anthony and Kate.
As most relationships can start with a nice little meet cute. Well, you can say for these two, it was a rocky start because throughout the season, Kate & Anthony were duking it out over the most little things.

The feelings of passion began to rise from the ashes. As Anthony was courting Edwina, those feelings had to be suppressed and all of it came out on the day of the wedding of the season for the ton. Where there the passion became all too real for the two & in the following days after the feelings of desire were released behind closed doors. There were some hiccups along the way, which led to some rethinking of the release of these emotions for Anthony & Kate.
With those feelings of doubt & fear were put to side, Kate and Anthony got the happy ever after that these two had been craving for a long time.

A quick side note : I believe that this relationship could not have worked without the on — screen chemistry between Simone & Johnathon. I loved them together. you can tell that they respected each other while in the same scene together.
Now the next relationship that I would like to focus on the relationships between the Sharma sisters, as this relationship is fairly new to the series.
I found it interesting to see and explore. Kate & Edwina oblivious had a good relationship with each other back in India. that all changed when they came to England. Because it became a good bond based on lies.

Kate became the person, for what I describe, is a selfish person, even in her mind that she believes that her actions are protecting her family. You see that Edwina is fed up with it. And she is like, I need the truth and only the truth. With that, the sisters have broken the bond that they have formed over the years.
But even though, with the events that happened after the wedding. Kate & Edwina sort of come up with a truce.
I like to see what the writers are going to mention or work Kate & Edwina’s Relationship into S3, it’s a significant relationship for Kate. So S3 would be the perfect opportunity to have this relationship in the series to come.
As we had a look at the dynamics of The Sharma Sisters, I think another important relationship is Daphne & Anthony, Even though I think the writers intended it for Simon & Daphne. As I think Simon's opinion would have been ideal to have, as he & Anthony are good friends. But with Daphne, it's more meaningful, as you know that Anthony made her life a living hell during her season.
It's only fitting that she would be the one, out of their brothers & sisters, to call out on his bull**** ideals. And do the right thing for you, not the family.
Like Edwina’s relationship to Kate, and she can get through to Kate at that moment. Daphne is that person for Anthony.
Even though their mum played a key role towards the end. Daphne was the one with truth to say, her older brother.
But you knew that she was right when Daphne looks back at her brother and his wife. She is like I know you Anthony silently through a smile.
So Daphne has played a key role in her brother’s love life. I hope S3 has a mention. Somewhere, on Anthony & Daphne's relationship & how it’s doing after S2.
I think this relationship is the most important to the Bridgerton family, it's of course, their parents Violet and Edmund.
We only saw the final moments of Violet & Edmund's relationship coming to an end. Even though the moments were in a flashback. You can see the love they had for each other.

At the time of when it happened, you could slowly start to see the impact of the Edmund’s death on Violet, Anthony. and even on Benedict, Colin & Daphne. When their parent’s love is mentioned throughout the series so far.
You can see the impact it’s had on Anthony, Benedict, Colin, Daphne, Eloise and the younger children as well. I just want to see more of the love story of Violet and Edmund in S3. as this relationship is important to the story of Bridgerton.
Now let’s push into the final gear change for the relationships for S2. I will be talking about Penelope’s two main relationships that happened. As I believe they are the most important to the overall story arc
Let’s dive first into Penelope’s relationship with Madam Deueriox, as this relationship is fairly new to the season. Even though these moments are brief. Going forward into S3, I believe this relationship will be important and pivotal in S3. so I would like to see how the writers are going to plan this one out.
So the final relationship that, I think, is crucial from S2 is Eloise and Penelope. Let’s get out my thoughts in this relationship, as I think my opinion of this relationship is a minority one.
At the start of the season, I could see the writing was on the wall for the downfall of this friendship. because you could see that their ideals and morals are becoming more different. As Eloise wants to have an equal place in society and learn new things about life and to inform her opinion.

I think that Penelope dismissed the idea or the notion of what Eloise was talking about and twisted her friend’s words into her writings for lady whistledown. As Eloise begins to spread her wings and fly into her way into the world. In comes Penelope, with her controlling behaviour, clips her wings after she found a scandalous piece of information about her friend.
After, Eloise and Penelope have a PRIVATE conversation. She just goes ahead and published it. As Penelope just wanted to protect herself & lady whistledown and throws her friend under the bus. Yes, it's wrong that Eloise broke into Penelope's room. But Eloise calls out her friend on her behavior. Penelope just rants to her about how Eloise has not done anything in her life.
For me, Eloise and Penelope’s relationship has come to a fiery end. With that S3 for this friendship, It's going to be funny about how they are going to figure out that Penelope and Colin are going to become a lover's relationship.
Best and Worst Moments From S2 of Bridgerton
So let's start with the best moments of the S2
1. The on — screen chemistry between Johnathan and Simone, as Kate & Anthony + and other little domestic relationships moments that were cute.
2. Ruth’s Performance around the scenes of her husband’s death and the traumatic birth of her youngest daughter.
3. Any of Queen Charlottes wigs that she wears. Or her comments that she makes during an event or in her personal time.
4. The S2 Costumes are great. The colour palette for Kate & Anthony is so perfect. As it blends, their personalities & emotions around each other.
5. Benedict and Colin been high on a substance.
Some honorable mentions
1. Lady Danbury and Violet’s Friendship & the stuff that they get up to
2. Benedict, when he starts exploring his artistic side of his personality
3. Eloise and how she becomes more of her person.
4. The little moment of when the Bridgerton Clan had a dance in, where they were meant to have a ball.
5. Colin, becoming friends with Simon’s Boxing Coach.
And now let’s talk about those pesky worst moments for S2 for me.
1. The lack of communication between the Sharma Family, in particular Lady Mary
2. Some of CGI around the horse riding scenes
3. The whole Featherington Family storyline this season
4. How the writers cut short Eloise's’ coming of age or self discovery storyline
5. how Edwina was written in the show as an innocent girl and does not know anything around her.
Dishonorable mentions
1. Penelope's character becoming more of a vengeance to herself, when writing lady whistledown
2. I wanted more character/ relationship moments of the Bridgerton family, especially the younger children.
Now I have finally come to the end. or the spot where I talk about my predictions for S3 of Bridgerton. Now, I have seen some mini spoilers, as the show’s third season has been out for a few months.
Predictions for S3 of Bridgerton
S3 of Bridgerton, we are going to see a ramped up version of Kate & Anthony. As they have taken over the role of Viscount & Viscountess of the household. I wonder how they are going to blend into the family again & especially Kate, as she is new to the society that Anthony has been a part of for so many years.
My second prediction I have for S3 is that the season will be a redemption /self discovery arc for Penelope.
Also, how Penelope makes her choices. at the same time, deal with the fall-out from her family.
Does Penelope decide to tell Colin that she is lady whistledown & with that revelation does it cause distrust in their relationship.
For my third prediction for S3 is for the writers to explore Queen Charlotte's arc more in terms of her future succession and her role in society as a whole.
My fourth prediction for S3 is how is Anthony & Benedict’s relationship going to change over S3.
But for my fifth prediction for S3, I want to see more mentions of the Duke and Duchess of Hastings. and I'm excited to see a mention from Edwina. As she is an important person in Kate’s life.
For my final prediction that I would like to see for S3 is as I know that Kate becomes Pregnant with Baby Bridgerton. So are the writers will be exploring during a birth scene for this couple and if so, I wonder how they are going to tackle it. We know that Anthony was there for the traumatic birth of his baby sister and that maybe could trigger some of those memories for him.
Bridgerton S2 overall is an exciting and good season to add to the story cannon for the universe. With that been said. I have seen S2 more than once. (I have lost count :). I do believe it to be better than S1 in terms of character & relationship development. Yes, S2 has its good and bad moments in the storyline.
Some of those good moments are, like the relationship arc between Kate and Anthony over the course of the season. and the character moments that lead to the enemies to lovers. I got to mention that the on — screen chemistry between Johnathan and Simone is so good and adorable, I love it.
And I look forward to seeing more of that in S3. and the little moments between the Bridgerton siblings and Violet and Lady Danbury.
Those bad moments for me can be story arc for the Sharma family and how they communicated, Penelope and her actions towards her oldest and dearest friend that she has.
From what I have heard about S3 of Bridgerton & also watching the first 5 min of Episode 1. I'm excited to see how the writers are going to further explore the stories of the characters and relationships of the Bridgerton universe. Because there is so much more to adventure into for each of the characters and those relationships.
Anyway, I am excited about how S3 is going to play out, and I will look deeper into the lore of the show’s third season in a review & what I think could happen in S4. because much as I love Colin and Penelope (eye roll) in a relationship. I would like to know how Benedict and his love life will be.
Until I write the next review for S3 of Bridgerton
I will see you then.
The Woman Who Writes
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