2020 was a rough year for everyone in the entertainment industry, for the actors to the production crew running the show, As I have started this passion project, but I have critically reviewed, shows in my head for a number of years, but this year, I did not watch much content for a couple of months as I was not in the best frame of mind, but I continued on,
This Year I watched plenty of content from my couch, from older content that I have seen before, to new shows that I have recently discovered on Netflix or other streaming platforms, this year for television content, we have not been shorted with the variety of choices, I hope you found your favourite New show, so I am going write a review of what I have watched in 2020 and I hope that I can join you in 2021, with the new content that is coming.
The New Content that I have been watching
1.New Season of the Animaniacs Reboot
2.Hilda on Netflix
3.Bhaag Beanie Bhaag on Netflix
4.The First Season of Stargirl on Binge
5.911 Lonestar
6.The Back Catalogue of Hawaii - Five-O on Binge
But as my list for new television content is pretty short, as I have been mainly watching movies or comedy specials that have come out on Netflix, I can talk about the television series that I have been watching so far in 2020 it is a long list. Beware

As Most of Television, production was cut short, and in the number of reviews that I have written so far in 2020 when these shows come back into production, I hope that we get to see how all the writers are going to handle the changes in some of the content previous season finales.
My Standout Moments of The Shows that in the list above, I may have written a review on the show and I gave what my thoughts and opinions on the shows, As 2020 has been a tough year for everyone, as I am writing this review of 2020 in television from my Couch, I hope that you have a safe and healthy 2021, and I am planning for a lot for this website, so sign up for the updates on the website or follow me on social media @tvfanaticau. In the next few months it's going to be busy for me reviewing all of this content, so please bear with me, as I am working it on as fast as I can.
From the people who are still reading this review of 2020 from my couch, thank you again for the support of this little passion project in 2020 and I look forward to seeing your support in 2021 and beyond.